Unalome Designs was born of an intense desire to imagine the unimaginable.
A unique amalgamation of natural colors, textures and ideas; Unalome tells a story unlike any other.
It is a stream-of-consciousness rant that pours directly from our overflowing hearts. Like the chapters of a novel, each garment’s unique message intentionally connects it to the next.
Unalome Designs was born of an intense desire to imagine the unimaginable. Unalome wants to accompany the wandering on their wild journeys; we encourage them to burst forth into the world and write their own stories.
For this very reason, we selected the ancient symbol of the Unalome as our name, our logo, and as our foundation to stand upon. This emblem can be found in Buddhist and Brahmin ritual imagery and it is also commonly used as a ‘sak yant’ (sacred tattoo) across both Thailand and Cambodia. The Unalome is representative of the path to enlightenment: a person spirals for many lifetimes, contending with all of the earthy hardships that humanity throws our way. Eventually, one has refined their capacity to follow the straight path to enlightenment. This clothing line has certainly been following it’s own spiraling path – with many incarnations; we believe that Unalome is finally fulfilling its purpose.
All Unalome Design garments are proudly made in the heart of Providence, Rhode Island, by a team of creative and meticulous local artisans. We understand the dire need for community building, especially within the artistic community; Unalome proudly supports this sphere of individuals and is happy to help keep this fire burning.
We insist on using only the highest quality organic hemp, cotton, and bamboo fabrics, as well as all natural dyes. We want to present you with a garment that is both good for you and the environment. Please take a closer look at our Natural Dyes and Mission & Process pages to learn more.